Who can join the association?

Packaging-free specialists from anywhere in the world

Future retailers

Are you planning to open a packaging-free shop?


Are you already or are you looking to become a packaging-free specialist?


Do you supply goods or services for packaging-free retailers?

Retail chains

Do you own several packaging-free shops or represent a chain of organic retailers with a packaging-free section?

Packaging-free retail (article L 120-1)

Selling packaging-free goods to consumers, in an amount chosen by consumers, in refillable or reusable containers.


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Événements À la une Centre-Val de Loire

[CVL] Retour sur le festival Terres du Son

Publié le 16 July 2024

Pour la seconde année consécutive, Réseau Vrac et Réemploi était présent au festival de musique Terres du Son, qui a toujours lieu dans le domaine du château de...

Packaging-free Network has
over 1,800 French-speaking members in 14 countries

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